Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Difference between Publish by value and Reference in ADB Adapter

1. As stated in the AdADB manual, when using "by value" all data is already included in the publishing table and the adapter has it when looking for new entries to publish. With the "publish by reference" the values from the original table need to be fetched by a second select. Means, In publish by value, all the data will be copied from main table to P table..where as in publish by reference only the reference will be copied.

2. Publish By Referance: When the publisher table has a primary key or a user defined key we use publish by Referance Publish By Value: In or all other casess we use publish by value.

3. Its a trade off between DB Server Space and DB Processing speed. Also if there is binary data stored in the database then you have to use publish by reference.

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