Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Difference between File adapter and File poller in Tibco

1.The file poller is a starter activity which looks into a directory for a modification or updation of a file or new file added to the directory and then start a process when one of those events occurs.

2.File adapter is used to get informations from a file system and send it to the bus or to get informations from the bus and store them into a file.It depends if you are using a publication service or a subscription service.

3.File poller cannot handle multiple format data and record by record transfer. It takes care of particular format specified and does file transfer Where as file adapter can handle multiple formats and does record by record transfer.

4. ADB adapter is used to transfer bulk of data from the application or Database to other Database. The File adapter consists of two adapters—a receive adapter and a send adapter.When bulk transformation of data is required we go for ADB.

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